Waterfront, Downtown Kingston, Jamaica 360°

Waterfront is located in Downtown Kingston, Jamaica 360° (Caribbean).

⭐ Points of Interest:
00:35 Port Royal Street
00:47 East Street Intersection
00:52 East Street
00:57 Bank Of Jamaica
00:54 Nethersole Place
01:19 Scotia Bank, Downtown Kingston
01:20 Jamaica Conference Centre
01:25 Ocean Boulevard
01:28 To Duke Street
01:34 Kingston Waterfront
01:41 Kingston Harbour (The seventh-largest natural harbour in the world).
01:47 Port Royal
01:47 Norman Manley International Airport (NMIA)
01:58 Kingston Waterfront Park
02:05 Church Street
02:05 Accountant General's Department, Pensions and Loans
02:16 Victoria Pier
02:26 King Street
02:26 Tax Administration Downtown Office is located just right,
02:41 To Parade Square
02:41 To Saint William Grant Park
02:50 Orange Street
03:04 Jamaica Constabulary Force Recruiting Centre
03:08 Princess Street
03:11 Digicel Head Office
03:19 Old ferry jetty in Downtown Kingston
03:27 West Street
03:55 Kingston Craft Market
04:00 Ocean Boulevard, Port Royal Street and Pechon Street Intersection
04:12 Pechon Street
04:17 To Coronation Market (the largest Farmers' Market in the Caribbean).

NB. The town of Port Royal just across, was once known as "Sin City" (the wickedest city on earth) until an earthquake tumbled much of it into the sea in 1692 but that is hard to imagine right now as it the one of the most peaceful place in Jamaica.

⭐ Related Video(s):
➤ Waterfront 4K - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPnkJnoHBiM

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#InJamaica #Jamaica #Kingston #KingstonJamaica #Downtown #DowntownKingston #DowntownJamaica #Waterfront #Jamaica360
Posted by InJamaica in Kingston & St Andrew on September 27 2021 at 12:29 AM  ·  Public
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