Lluidas Vale, St Catherine, Jamaica

Lluidas Vale is located in St Catherine, Jamaica (Caribbean).

⭐ Points of interest:
0:00 Intro
0:24 Worthy Park Estate
0:36 Worthy Park to Bamboo Road
2:05 To Point Hill
2:13 To Brown's Town
2:14 To Guanaboa
2:16 To Bamboo
2:17 To Kitson Town
2:21 Lluidas Vale Main Road
2:28 Lluidas Vale
2:40 Welcome to Lluidas Vale (Road Sign)
2:45 Factory Road
2:48 To Worthy Park Sugar Factory
2:52 To Factory Sinks (which is register as a cave)
3:41 St. Peter's Anglican Church
3:45 Union Road
3:48 To Pleasant Hill
3:51 To Juan de Bolas
3:52 To Kentis
3:55 Lluidas Vale Park
3:57 Shady Grove Police Station (same as Lluidas Vale Police Station)
4:05 Lluidas Vale Market
4:12 Savanna Lane
4:28 Airstrip Road
4:34 To Worthy Park Airstrip
5:13 Lluidas Vale Primary School (formerly Lluidas Vale All Age School)
5:29 House Of Praise Kindergarten and Learning Centre
5:34 Donna Hill Road
5:37 Big Barns Road (also Big Barns Pen)
5:40 To Small Barns Road (also Small Barns Pen)
5:47 Lluidas Vale Baptist Church
5:51 Lluidas Vale Basic School
6:26 Lluidas Vale Seventh Day Adventist Church
6:37 Lluidas Vale Cemetery
6:58 Lluidas Vale Playfield
7:10 To Lluidas Sinkhole
7:49 Phycos Avenue
7:52 To Heart Trust NTA Lluidas Vale Professional Training Center
8:50 Rabbit Lane
9:26 Orange Valley

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2024 Jamaica Road Trip

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Posted by InJamaica in St Catherine on June 16 2024 at 05:32 PM  ·  Public
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