Jamaica Teachers' Association - South Central Regional Office

Jamaica Teachers' Association - South Central Regional Office favorite
Business Type:
5, 1/2 Caledonia Road, Mandeville, Manchester, Jamaica

The Jamaica Teachers' Association is a democratic organisation responsible for the enhancement and protection of the economic welfare, professional development and personal well being of its members and the promotion of the educational interests of the country of Jamaica.

Vision Statement

To be the Regional bench mark for teachers membership organisations; setting standards of excellence in service delivery and commitment to national development through education.


The JTA is administered by a group of elected officers and a professional staff. The elected group is headed by the Presidents, i.e. President, President-Elect and Immediate Past President. The other elected officers represent Parish and District Associations. The District Association (DA) is the level at which all teachers have the opportunity to participate in policy formation and programmes of the association. There are seventy-six District Associations and fourteen Parish Associations.

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